The Sacred Spiral Ayurveda Apprenticeship January – December 2026
12 Months Practitioner Level Apprenticeship in Ayurveda and Herbalism, Womb Care, and the Sacred Cycles of the Seasons
Get on the wait-list for 2026

Adena (Jade) Rose Bright
This apprenticeship is born out of intensives I have taught in the past, mentorship circles I have held, and requests from students of Ayurveda to dive deeper into their herbal studies.
In teaching these past intensives, I have also seen the need to take more time with the integration of these tools. My aspiration is for women to feel empowered with self healing tools, so it is important that we, as practitioners, can really become comfortable with them in our own bodies, to feel confident sharing them with our clients.
These are the things that I have integrated deeply and utilize in my own body through the cycles I have gone through thus far – menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond. This is also the top herbs and formulas, and womb health tools that I utilize with my clients the most effectively.
This Apprenticeship is for those who are ready to strengthen and establish their place in women’s holistic healing. It is based in Ayurveda, and important for you to have a strong Ayurveda background.
In this, I get to share what I have lived, what I know the best, and my hopes are that it serves to deepen your practice of Ayurveda and relationship with herbs and medicines and support you to feel more confident in sharing them.
I feel that it is a wonderful middle place to find ourselves, perhaps moving from budding practitioner, and coming strongly into the intermediate level of study and practice of Ayurveda, herbalism and self-empowered healing.
“Adena’s herbalism course was a wonderful opportunity to learn from a wise woman who has first hand experience working with these beautiful Ayurvedic herbs – some of which I’d never heard of before! To be able to taste, smell and experience them with her guidance was really special, and it inspired me to respect the process, and take my time learning about these plant medicines through the ancient lens of Ayurveda.”
Michelle Ryan

Herbs, Oil and Breath :: Lifestyle practices are the foundation of Ayurveda, and we will practice establishing a regular self healing rhythm in our own lives as practitioners and healers, to build our Ojas. We just have good Ojas/energy reserves to stabilize ourselves while we work with others. We will establish the important self care tools of abhyanga, pranayama and nourishing herbal infusions into our lives, as indicated during the year.

Clinical Experience
We will work with 6 clients and also have the opportunity to present students’ case studies over the year to implement the tools we are learning in a practical way.

Throughout the year we will dive deeply into the art and science of Yoni steaming, utilizing Castor oil packs, learning abdominal self massage from the Maya medicine tradition along with understanding vital Marma for womb and breast Health, and learning the intimate practice of Uttar Vasti aligned with the moon cycles. We will discuss practical uses of each of these for for all stages of of a woman’s life.

Mastering Ayurveda Herbal Strategies for Women’s Health
I will be sending over 20 herbal formulas for you to taste and experiment with over the year. We will have regularly tastings, and learn how to apply these herbs to women’s health in a safe and effective way. We will deepen our understanding of the Ayurvedic framework of herbal energetics, and how, when and why to choose the right formula or herb.

We will learn to how to recognize fertility signs as a way to practice conscious embodiment, conscious conceptions AND conscious contraception. We will discuss strategies for safely teaching this to your clients.
We will practice charting our own cycles, if relevant, in a beautiful moon cycle chart.
We will talk about how to ask questions about the menstrual cycle and pinpoint dosha imbalances in these signs from the perspective of a practitioner.

Learn necessary anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive cycle, and the menstrual cycle as a vital sign in Ayurveda. Learn this ‘Sacred Spiral’ and the dance of the doshas throughout the month, as well as vital menstrual self care.
Learn what an optional, healthy cycle should look and feel like, and also how to differentiate between a ‘normal abnormality’ of the dosha flux, and then how to categorize, and then support healing in, pain and imbalances in the cycle, including supporting your clients with fertility challenges.
Who is this Apprenticeship for?
The apprenticeship is for folks who aspire to deepen their offerings in Ayurveda in a professional way, who may already be working with clients or who are looking to expand their knowledge base and confidence. Many of these tools will be most supportive to female physiology, and the learning is meant to be done through self experimentation and practiced embodiment. This said, it is probably easiest if you are living through these cycles and changes and rhythms in female body, but all who are passionate and interested are welcome to learn these tools.
What I hear the most from my past students is that they would FEEL MORE CONFIDENT with MORE TIME to practice and integrate these tools in a container here they can ask more QUESTIONS and receive guidance. The Sacred Spiral Ayurveda Apprenticeship offers just that.
Past students of The Womb Healing Course or the Ayurveda Herbology Immersion can join at a discounted rate * Reach out for more info at adena [at] AdenaRoseAyurveda [dot] com

What is included in The Apprenticeship:
- * Over 60 hours of Continuing Education in Ayurveda
- * Twice Monthly Live Classes in all of the above subjects
- * Over 20 herbal products shipped to you over the course of the year
- * Private access to our online community moderated by Adena
- * Herbal tasting classes and energetic profiles with preparations, formulas and uses
- * Bonus classes from guest experts Ayurveda and Women’s health *TBD
- * 20% Discount on any 1 on 1 service or product
- * 12 Months of guidance with Adena, a seasoned Ayurveda Practitioner, and the time to integrate these new tools and experiences so you can confidently share them with clients
- * Optional to attend live or watch the recordings
- * Option to present case studies of your own or ask private client questions
The Sacred Spiral Ayurveda Apprenticeship info:
- Registration is open January 1 – 31, and our first Zoom Class is on Tuesday January 14 at 12pm – 1:30 ET
- $222 per month, for 12 months (or save when you pay annually)
- Classes will be live Tuesdays and Fridays for about 90 minutes, twice per month -there may be bonus shorter lectures sprinkled throughout. Everything will be recorded and you may listen on your own time.
- ‘Classes’ will include lecture, guest teachers, client intakes, as well as a few Q+A and Integration sessions
- Monthly review for integration: Students submit ~ 500-1,000 word integration assignments based on prompts from the previous month’s themes. There is no ‘grading’, this is simply to support you with integration
- Printable PDFs each month when appropriate, or a booklet (or purchase a printed and bound copy) with womb healing tool handouts
Here is the schedule for our first 4 months:
Introduction to the Sacred Spiral: The Wheel of the Year and Women’s Lives + Secrets of our Sacred Anatomy, and Learning, Charting and Teaching Fertility Awareness (FAM) Pt 1.
Tuesday January 14, 12 pm, Friday January 24, 11 am
FAM Pt 2, and Special Considerations for the Female Physiology + Imbolc and the Maiden Archetype
Tuesday February 4, 12 pm, Friday February 21, 11 am
Guna Informs Karma (The Hemadri Sutra) + Medicinal Preparations in Ayurveda: How to Choose an Anupan, and Making and Using Siddha Ghrita (Herbal Ghee) for the Spring Equinox
Tuesday March 4, 12 pm, Friday March 21, 11 am
Ayurveda and the Menstrual Cycle pt. 2: Looking at Imbalance, and Client Intake #1, Vaginal Steaming 101 to Advanced Protocol (BONUS class: Teas for Period Pain)
Tuesday April 1, 12 pm and Friday April 18, 11am
AND Here is the list of the 20 (+) herbs and formulas that I will be shipping to you over the course of the year (honestly, I might not be able to help myself and add more of my faves):
Shatavari gulam
Milky Oats
Schizandra tincture
Motherwort glycerite or tincture
Rose petals
Panchakola churna
Avipatikkar churna