In Ayurveda, and The Healing Diet, we talk a lot about the components that make up our immunity.
We have, of course, many ways of describing this ‘reality’ and the strengths and weaknesses. I believe it’s beneficial to be able to look at something from many angles.
Two words which are important to Ayurveda’s view of immunity are agni and ojas.
Agni is our digestive capacity – our metabolic strength – our ability to ‘burn up’ toxins, and to digest and assimilate nutrients from our food, and experiences in life. It can be translated to literally mean fire. Think burning up, fighting off, cleaning out, eating, transforming, digesting. (This is a hugely important concept for healing in Ayurveda, and so in The Healing Diet, I dedicate a whole week to talking about agni, learning our metabolic type, how to balance it, etc…)
Ojas is our innate strength and resilience. We are born with some, and then we maintain this through balanced agni/good digestion. Ojas is more connected with the water and earth elements – it is a substance, and and essence that gives us our oomph. Our strength and ability to heal and deal with life. Like, when we’re hit hard by and illness or stress, it’s our ojas that gives us strength to bounce back. It’s heavier, it’s juicier, it’s and end product of our takin’ care of agni.
This warm milk recipe is working on the ojas part of our immunity. This is one reason that milk is considered such an important and healing food in Ayurveda. Of course, you can substitute almond milk or hemp milk etc – the qualities are similar, but different. And usually, those items are more processed. (If you make them yourself, though, even better!)
I am blessed to have raw milk available relatively easily and locally. I am also blessed with a husband who keeps bees, so we have a plentiful supply of raw honey. I make my own ghee, from raw milk butter from another local farm, so this is truly a cuppa gold.
Then, optionally, I add turmeric for an even deeper golden color and it’s own special healing properties, and a little ginger powder for agni, and just because!
Mid-Winter Golden Milk for Immunity
1 c raw milk
1/2 c water
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp ginger powder
1 tsp honey
1 tsp ghee
Warm first four ingredients until milk just starts to foam. Pour into a mug and stir in honey and ghee. *Do not cook the honey, just let it melt in your cup. **The equal amounts of honey/ghee poison thing goes by weight – I don’t sweat it and just add equal amounts by eye/measurement.
Great before bed, or as a snack when you get home from work/school.