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Ever tried Reiki?

The more I come into my practice of Ayurveda and Yoga (A&Y), the more I am in tune with the subtle. And how powerful that awareness can be.shanti shanti


Subtle awareness and understanding can yield not so subtle results. In fact, I find that so many of my clients tend to ‘forget’ they had such serious issues in the past, when I see them over time. They ‘forget’ how bad their headaches were, or how gassy and bloated they felt every afternoon…when it simply goes away with simple diet changes.


My path is the natural one. The easiest entrance to A&Y is through the gross body. And with refinement here, then we can sense more subtle layers. A lot of healing can happen within these layers.


Healing is never one-dimensional.


In this video with Jenn Kerns, Reiki Master Teacher and Holistically-minded Psychotherapist you’ll learn more about Reiki, a subtle, vibrational healing practice.In the past, it seemed a little woo-woo to me. I love bodies, and feel grounded working very physically with them. But over the past few years, as I’ve woken up my subtle body, I’m realizing this healing is very SOLID and much NEEDED.


Watch the video here.