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Start Cooking with more Flavor: 5 Chutney Recipes

Cooking in an Ayurvedic way does not need to be intimidating.  You don’t need to chant for hours over your stew pot, and you don’t need to know all the details about the doshas to begin to cook for yourself in a healthy way.  (Though of course those things won’t hurt 🙂 ) We can tap in to how the food we eat is going to affect our body and mind through a simple diagnostic technique – taste.

Ayurveda talks about 6 tastes – sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.  Some of these are more obvious than others.  Each of these tastes affects our body and mind in different subtle ways.  Some of the tastes are more nourishing and building (sweet) and others cleansing and lightening to the body (pungent, bitter, stringent) and others also great for stimulating digestion (sour and salty.)


In the west, most of our condiments tend to add a lot of flavor, but also bog down digestion – thinking jams, ketchup, and mayo for a simple few.  There are some simple Indian-inspired condiments which add so much flavor to almost any dish, that help us to get a more varied flavor profile – more ‘tastes’ – into out diet to help stimulate or cool digestion.  A more flavorful diet helps us feel satisfied, and curbs cravings as well.

Here are five simple chutneys you can try to inspire your cooking and encourage your exploration of taste.

Cilantro Chutney

Cooling: astringent, sweet, bitter

1 tsp cumin seeds

3 T sesame seeds

1/4 c flaked coconut

1 bunch of cilantro

1 inch peeled fresh ginger

About 2 T water

1 T lime juice

1 T raw honey

1/2 tsp salt

Blend all ingredients together.  Toasting the coconut lightly before blending adds another layer of interesting flavor. Excellent on kitchari, or any spicy curry in Summer.


Tamarind Chutney

Neutral: Sour, Sweet

2/3 c Raisins, soaked in 3/4 c hot water for 5 minutes

1/2 chopped jalepeno

3 T chopped cilantro

1 T chopped fresh mint

1/3 c tamarind concentrate

1/2 tsp garam masala

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp raw honey

Puree all ingredients until smooth.  For more spice increase the jalepeno. Sour will be the dominant flavor. Really aids in digestion – traditionally served with fried food, though excellent on kitchari.


Mango Chutney

Cooling: sweet, pungent

I recommend you use Ataulfo mangoes.  They are super melty and sweet, from Mexico and South America are closely related to Indian varieties.

2 Ataulfo Mangoes (squishier the better!)

1/2 tsp finely chopped fresh ginger

1/4 tsp black pepper

2 T lime juice

1/8 tsp turmeric, adds to the golden color

2 tsp maple syrup, or 1 tsp raw honey

pinch of cayenne

pinch of salt

Peel and take out the core of the mango.  Either chop finely and simply stir all the ingredients together, or for a very smooth chutney, blend together.  Sweet and spicy.

Ginger Chutney

Heating: Pungent, Sweet

1 cup grated fresh ginger

1 1/2 c water

1 T lime zest

1/2 c apple sauce

1/2 tsp ginger powder

Combine all ingredients and simmer over med-low heat for 15 minutes, until reduced.  Stir continuously to prevent sticking and burning.  It’s quite spicy, so a little goes a long way! Stimulates digestion. Serve alongside any curry, or even apple pie!


Cucumber Raita

Cooling: Sweet, Astringent, Sour

1 c plain yogurt

1/2 c cubed cucumber, peeled

3 T chopped fresh cilantro

1 T chopped scallions

pinch of turmeric powder

pinch ginger powder

salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients. Serve alongside spicy dishes to aid in cooling them down, or even top tacos with this!

Love, Adena

Adena Rose Harford is a NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and AyurYoga Specialist helping women adopt a healthy lifestyle, make changes in diet, improve fertility and feel good during their period. Her 7-day Ayurvedic Cleanse Course is available online.  If you’re interested in learning more about Ayurveda, follow Adena Rose Ayurveda on Facebook for Ayurvedic tips, recipes and remedies.

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An Introduction to Kitchari and Cleansing: A 1 Day Simple Cleanse

// You have probably noticed information going around about my 7 Day cleanse course, An Ayurvedic Cleanse. I am getting great feedback from my first round of participants, who have already experienced changes in their well-being. Changes in their body after just 7 days of changing their diet utilizing Ayurvedic digestion principles! This stuff never ceases to amaze me, that’s why I love sharing it.

Even though in reality, a week can just fly by, it can be daunting for those new to Ayurveda to feel confident about diving into a 7 Day cleanse.  So I have created an introduction to kitchari and cleansing, for those who really want to start cleansing, but need baby steps.

BookCoverShotKitch copyAnd believe me, there is nothing wrong with baby steps.  When I first tried to cleanse with kitchari, I couldn’t make it three days.  Then the next season, I tried again and made it to 5, and now seasonally, I regularly do a 7+ day cleanse, depending on what I need.  Changing our habits is one of the hardest things to do.  I had not realized how attached I was so food, to tastes, to ingredients!  Though this is a nourishing meal, I felt like I was depriving myself – but of what?  These types of questions allowed me to go deeper into my relationship with nourishment and satisfaction as well.  Allowed me to start thinking deeper about spirituality.

Also in this beautiful PDF guide, I present questions and possible journal topics for you to muse upon.  When we get to take time to reflect we transfer our experiences through the intellectual body, into memory and awareness.

This 10 page guide includes:

  • When and why to eat kitchari
  • A 1 Day cleanse outline
  • Information of the idea of fasting and good digestion according to Ayurvedic principles
  • Tips for Optimal Digestion
  • An introduction to dinacharya
  • 3 Kitchari recipes – how to tailor it to the seasons
  • Topics to reflect on after your cleansing day

Download now for just $12 so you can start simple and try a 1 Day cleanse to get a taste of the 7 Day Program.

Love, Adena

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Motion of the Ocean: Practices for the New Moon

// I am on the hunt for perfect periods.  As I wrote about recently, Maya Abdominal Therapy has brought me much healing already.  Now that my periods are becoming much less painful, I am going to try an ancient ayurvedic practice to begin to align them with the new moon.  This practice is known as Uttar Basti.

My cycles have actually been exactly 28 days for the last few months, and my period is aligned directly with the Full Moon.  Many of the teachings I study mention that women traditionally menstruate with the New Moon.  The dark moon being a time natural for introspection and meditation, the turning inward for renewal. Just as the moon does – she begins to grow, to wax, and brighten until the next full moon.  The full moon is ideally a time for ovulation, as the brighter light encourages one to stay up later, and to feel the extroverted and energized full moon vibes.


Uttar basti is an internal vaginal flush using herbal teas.  Yes, kind of like a douche, but with completely natural and very gentle ingredients, and not only done for cleansing, but for this specific purpose of encouraging menstruation.  The herbs have almost nothing to do with it – if balancing a dosha, or disinfecting is necessary, specific blends can be made appropriately.  It’s just the power of the flow, the water almost acting as menstrual blood, flowing with the new moon, signaling to the physiology that this is the right time. (The start of an argument to expunge tampons, and use pads instead…)   According to Maya Tiwari, from whom come the practices I’m sharing below, many women’s monthly symptoms can be relieved when a woman switches her cycle to the new moon, as then her monthly cycle of hormones are aligned with the larger energies of the cosmos.

So, for now, I promise not to write any further (in this post) about vaginas. I’ll also share other yogic and breathing practices that go along with new moon energies.

If you’re interested in this sort of thing – which, if you’ve read this far into this post, you must be – I recommended getting one of these posters which chart the cycles of the moon.  They’re pretty, too.

5 things you can do to ground your energy near the new moon:

  • Lessen the amount of caffeine and sugar intake
  • Schedule in your morning meditation and pranayama
  • Swap out a vigorous yoga class with a restorative class
  • Find a great new soup recipe to make
  • Journal

New Moon Practices from Maya Tiwari

Deep Belly Breathing

Using Ujjayi breath, lying down, sitting up, or even driving your car, practice deep belly breathing.  You might put your hand on your belly, so as you inhale, you actually feel it rise, and as you exhale you allow your belly to soften, and your hand to drop again.  Practicing using your hand has a guide, breathing into it, pushing it away a bit, until the mechanics becomes natural to you.  Deep belly breathing fills us with prana, and literally tells our cells they can relax, and our parasympathetic nervous system switches on (as opposed to sympathetic – fight or flight response.)

Shitali Breathing (AKA Shitakari)

‘Shita’ means cold.  This breath is best for those who may experience loose stools, or a lot of heat or tensions and frustration before or during their cycles. (Didn’t say vagina…oops.)  If you can make a little tube with your tongue, you’ll inhale through the mouth, and then placing the cool tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth, exhale out the nose.  Continue for about 10 or 12 times. Then rest, and repeat if you like. *If you can not make a tube with your tongue, gently press the tip of your tongue behind the front teeth, and sip the air in through your teeth – then again, place the cool tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth, and then exhale through the nostrils.

“Pranayama is a simple and effective way to extend the duration and improve the quality of your life.” – Maya Tiwari, Women’s Power to Heal, pp 257.)


The king of the asanas, savasana means ‘corpse pose.’  It is a practice of surrender, great to do before bed/in bed, or during the mid-afternoon when energy naturally wanes.  And of course, during the new moon!  You can lie on your back, on a yoga mat or rug, either flat or if you need or want some support, using a pillow under your knees and or neck.  Palms face up, feet fall wide and relaxed.  Close your eyes, and breath naturally.  Feel supported by the floor, the mat.  Maya Tiwari recommends a visualization, which is optional (and maybe nice if your mind needs something to focus on):

“…visualize your breath as a translucent stream of white light that flows from your heart and radiates to the farthest reaches of your body.  Allow this moonlit breath to flood your entire being.  Feel it in the tips of your fingers and toes, in the crown of your head, in each of your vertebrae, behind your eyelids and in your throat.  Rest your mind in the serenity of the breath.” (Women’s, pp 262.)

It’s natural to ask, “these practices seem so gentle, how can they be doing anything?”  In my experience, these practices switch on subtle energies or forces that lie dormant, that our intellect may not be aware of.  When we begin to do the practices that resonate with us for some reason, that we can access that place beyond the intellect.  We do so much, it’s important to take time to be, to assimilate all that doing, so we spend less time feeling overwhelmed and stressed.  This is not a common mindset in our culture, but I find that when we’re given permission to do these things (or not do) we’re more than ready to let go.

If you have trouble knowing what’s right for you, how you can feel better, how you can take the first step to living the life you want to live, spending regular time in silence can allow space for the answers to arise.  Practices like these mentioned above allow us to start moving junk out of the way (incessant thinking) and allow access to the intellect, and beyond, making space for messages from the soul.

Love, Adena

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Arvigo (Maya) Abdominal Therapy: My Story

I’ve always tried to celebrate the sacredness of my menstruation, even when it left me crying on the bathroom floor thinking I might die.  Or at least that something could be seriously wrong.  Something must be seriously wrong.  Something this powerful deserves respect – and not only respect for the pain, but if my uterus is this upset, what am I doing to upset her so much?  How could I be eating a healthy diet, regularly cleansing, doing appropriate yoga, and practicing decent dinacharya (daily routines), and still have debilitating pain most months?//

Some rights reserved by Instant VantageSome rights reserved by Instant Vantage

I managed this monthly storm by taking an over-the-counter painkiller, and usually one dose did the trick.  You might be thinking. “Well, what are you complaining about? That seems so easy.” And in a way it is – but I’m not one for masking my symptoms.  There are times when I simply had to work, so I’d take a painkiller to get through.  Most times I’d try to wait it out – the intense pain and or nausea and loose bowel movements would last between 4-6 hours as the bleeding began – feeling like if I stayed present with the pain, it might pass.  Never really happened.  At the same time of feeling this pain, the wave of energy taking over my body was incredible to experience: even during the pain, I could feel the energy shifting in my body to dramatically point downwards, my legs would shudder, my inner thighs tingle, and my head very cloudy because apana vayu (the downward moving air) was struggling to happily move downwards, it’s vector, it’s natural direction of flow. One positive was that I could only be very present when in that pain, if I did not take a painkiller, I could not ignore my cycle.  And truthfully, I did not want to, I just wanted to figure out the imbalance, and heal.

There is a happy ending to this story, as I lay out the horrors – I did just finish my second near painless period, and I feel light, bright, clear and inspired.  I can attribute this to Kayla Becker, and Maya Abdominal Therapy, also know as Arvigo Abdominal Therapy, a therapy which focuses on uterine massage.   Literally moving or repositioning a woman’s uterus.  It is an external therapy, using specific techniques to reposition the organ inside the abdominal cavity.  Intense, right?  But pretty darn amazing.

My History

For starters, I have always been very active.  I did gymnastics from 5-9, I rode horses from 9 -17.  Cross Country in Junior High, and played Lacrosse and Soccer throughout high school.  In college started snowboarding, and now continue to do so, as well as have a regular yoga practice.  Lots of jumping, running, falling, sliding.  Things you uterus is not always happy with – and yes, we do not live our lives only for our uterus’s sake, but any action is going to create an equal and opposite reaction…

Let me paint a picture of the history of my symptoms.  For most of my menstruating life, I remember having cramps.  They were never that bad in high school…and I think then I was less afraid of just popping a Tylenol to get through the day (probably eager to hide the fact I had my period as much as possible as most young women are, sadly) but I do remember having some cramping.  In college I remember skipping class because my periods were painful – and then I went on birth control.  I gained 10-15 pounds on birth control, but I was a freshman in college, and everyone was gaining 10 pounds. Gaining 10 pounds made it so I finally had breasts (Finally womanly! Haha.), so I was not too worried about that.  I remember my cramps changing a bit, not being so bad, my period was lighter, and super easy to predict, so that was great.  Otherwise I never had any bad side effects from my birth control that I remember, and I stayed on either Ortho-tricyclen-lo, or Nuva Ring for 6 years.

As the years went on, I found my periods were getting lighter and lighter, and shorter, and I felt that that wasn’t right.  I read more and more about birth control, and realized that I was not having a real period.  This bleeding was fake.  I was not letting my body go through it’s natural cycles, I was not really ovulating, and the pill was making my body think it was pregnant.  I was encouraged often by the gynecologists to skip my periods, them being fake, it was just an illusion of a natural cycle anyway, so why bother with the inconvenience?  I really did (and do) not like this perspective.  Something so closely tied to nature, something so powerful should not be within our control – I still believe we should learn to ride the wave, surfing the power gracefully and respectfully, not trying to level out our ocean.

So back to birth control – I knew it was not in nature’s plan for me to be ‘pregnant’ for 6 years straight.  I wanted to have children one day – not then – but I knew that I was done messing with that chance.  I wanted to feel more natural.  I had been practicing yoga for about 2 years at that point, and felt more and more like I was coming into my own.  This was when I was about 25.

Going off Birth Control

I lost those 15 pounds that I had been hanging on for all those 6 years, pretty immediately.  This means my weight went back to what it was in high school, about 110.  My yoga practice was vigorous, so I felt pretty light. I did a cleanse that was too lightening for me.  This was right before I started Ayurveda school, so I did not yet know much about Vata….but I was aggravating her a bit.  And as you practitioners out there may have guessed, I have quite a bit of Vata in my constitution already.  Again luckily enough, my periods stayed relatively regular – they never stopped for months at a time during this transition – but they were coming late, at between 33-40 days, were not a bright red color (more brown, indicative of stagnation) and there was some cramping coming on stronger again.

All throughout that year I started keeping track of my period (using the free iPeriod app) and I noticed that my cycles were long, though regular, between 35 and 40 days.  During the winter my cycle stretched out even longer.  My cramps came back and sometimes were pretty bad.  Again, I either had to manage with Tylenol, or get in a hot bath and nap for a couple of hours if I could, truly feeling like I was going through a min-birth each cycle.  The cramps were always at the beginning of my period, coming usually between 4 and 6 am, and lasting all morning.  Again, Vata signs.

Another symptom I began having right away, that I feel is important to share, is that I began to have acne, and acne on my back.  This lasted for about two years.  I had never had bad acne before, even as a teenager. As I cleaned up my diet, and the excess hormones worked their way out of my body, it slowly went away…but it did take quite some time.

As learned more and more about Ayurveda, I realized mine were Vata symptoms.  I made changes in my diet to make it more Vata balancing, I tried Vata herbs (and actually aloe, particularly kumari asava works well for me, Vata and Pitta balancing) but nothing really solved the problem.  My cycles became shorter, around 33 days, though the pain was not going away, in fact, it was becoming worse some months, going back to the symptoms above.  It was frustrating to say the least.

I tried castor oil packs, but they were too intense for me.  I have tried vaginal steams (which are very nice) to open the channels, I have tried taking ginger pills before the onset of my period. I have tried valerian, nutmeg, turmeric, ashwagandha etc.  Not that these did not help, but it turns out I had a severe Vata imbalance – more than simple tightening and prana stagnation, but also a structural problem.

A Misplaced Uterus

At the gynecologist, they had told me before that I had a titled uterus. I asked what that means, and just got the ‘nothing, it’s normal’ answer.  I remembered that my mother had a tipped uterus, but it was comforting also to remember that she had two children, no real problem.  The more I read, the more I realized that tipped or tilted uterus’s can sometimes be a huge problem – causing pain, back pain, fertility issues, and even incontinence.  At this point, too,  I was getting quite frustrated, feeling that I could not heal myself.

I started taking some course through the Sacred Window School with Ysha Oakes.  My first course, “Enhancing Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth with Ayurveda” was taught by a lovely lady named Terra Rafael. (She has written a book called “Ayurveda for the Childbearing Years.”) Terra mentioned, quite often throughout the course, her experiences with Maya Abdominal Therapy.  It was not specific to the Ayurvedic traditions, though seemed so important to her class.  I asked her to tell me a bit more, and she shared that its origins are in Belize, in Central America.  I knew I needed to try this for my own curiosity, as well as perhaps for my own healing.

Some rights reserved by kangotraveler.Some rights reserved by kangotraveler.

I did a web search and found out about a few women in Vermont who do this – and chose a woman named Kayla Becker who has a practice in Montpelier.  I emailed her, mostly because I was interested in a self-care class she was teaching that had already passed. I wanted to learn how to do this for myself.   She mentioned that she would teach me when we met for a session, and her prices were a bit less than the other woman, to be honest, so I made the appointment with her.

She taught me that my uterus changes it’s size, position and weight throughout my cycle.  She felt my lower belly and told me, yes, she could feel ‘she’ was tilted to the right.  She asked me if I had any trauma in the past. Honestly, I have been so lucky and I have not had any sexual abuse history. (Often when sexual organs are not functioning properly in one way or another, there is abuse or trauma in the past.)

The more I read and learned about this therapy, the more I wanted to learn how to do it – and I hadn’t reaped any physical benefit yet! I tend to be like that…any way, on back to the story….

Uterus Massage

So, my first massage with Kayla was in June of 2013.  Our initial meeting was about 2 hours long. The massage was 90 minutes – she worked my sacrum, tailbone, marma points very close to my anus, and found the vertebrae that’s a bit out of line in my back.  It was deeper work than I was used to – I felt floaty afterward – but I often choose gentle bodywork such as Abhyanga, so this was a nice balance. The marma points she works with bring blood flow to the pelvic region, and were quite intense.  She then turned me on my back for the uterine work.

She performed the routine strokes that she had already shown me for self care, which get energy, blood and lymph flowing in the abdominal regions.  Then she went lower into my pelvis, and with expert fingertips, felt for my uterus, who was off to the right, towards and lower than my hip bone.  She explained that this could most certainly cause cramping and pain, as well as hormonal imbalance.  That the signals were not easily flowing from gland to gland, and that my uterus was having a hard time draining, hence the brown blood and all the cramping.

The massage did not hurt, but it was deep.  I could sense my internal organs in a way I had never felt.  I could feel how everything is connected in there – and so soft and vulnerable.  Her pressure was not super deep, really, but the work is deep in the sense that you’re allowing another person to touch – and actually shift – an organ in your body, and gave another sense that this was not just a physical container, but something much more…sacred.

After the massage, as I mentioned, I felt a little floaty, and even a little teary eyed – but I felt like I had really begin a deep level of self study.  I booked my next appointment, for a month later.

I continued the self massage she taught me daily, and went back the next month.  My cycle had not changed much, in fact, the next one was a tough one. I was trying not to get discouraged, and just hoped that she (my uterus) was clearing out the old stuff that’s why it was so intense. My next treatment was a bit shorter, but much the same.  I was almost afraid to sleep on my right side afterward, wanting my uterus to stay closer to the middle!

I sometimes have sore breasts that go away once my blood flows, and the next month the soreness did NOT go away.  I felt sort of crappy the whole month, and though I knew I wasn’t pregnant, I could tell my hormones were out of whack.  As soon as I had my next period, though, I felt AMAZING, and I went back for my third massage.  I told Kayla what had happened (I had not been doing my self massage so well that month) and she told me she could feel things were shifting, too.  My uterus was still to the right, and she recommended using some castor oil in my daily massage, but not full on heat packs.  She thinks it had been stuck to the right there for a long, long time, and recommended I keep coming because it would change. I trusted her, and set up another appointment.

Ixchel - the Mayan Goddess of rainbows, water, fertility, abundance, the moon, love, and medicineIxchel – the Mayan Goddess of rainbows, water, fertility, abundance, the moon, love, and medicine.

During the interim, I decided to take a self-care course with Kayla, so I could possibly go study at the Professional Training in the Spring of 2014.  During this weekend long course we learn the essence of self-care practice, as well as the history of this technique.  I also learned that often, a sign of your uterus being tipped includes poor circulation in one leg, or pain in the leg or calves, as well as vericose veins.  I had poor circulation in my right leg – it was the one going numb in meditation – as well a vericose vein forming in my right calf.  Very interesting.

This weekend got me right back on the train with daily self care. During the weekend, I got another short private session with Kayla, and she told me about another, deeper technique we could try to move ‘her.’

This time we set up the appointment for me to come when my uterus was heavy, rather than empty – closer to your period.  She was going to try another technique she had learned.  It involved me lying on my side, as Kayla allowed my weight to press into her fingers, and she could actually press and lift my uterus back to the center, and give a good press to those stuck ligaments.  It was intense, again, not really painful as all, but deep.  I had started my period that day, I took a tylenol beforehand because I had felt intense cramps coming on and new I was getting that area touched – already an intensely emotional time to get a massage.  Kayla was super gentle and respectful and loving, and she really felt a big shift during this treatment.  I felt a shift as well.  At home I continued with my self massage.  I had noticed that my breast tenderness before my period was lessened this time, as the self care includes moving lymph in the upper abdomen as well.

One evening as I was doing my self care, I felt it was appropriate go a little deeper. I could really feel where the fundus of my uterus was, and I could feel where I wanted it to be as an empty space right above my bladder.  I focus on the right to center stroke, and I swore I felt a shift.  I mentioned this to Kayla, who affirmed that my uterus was almost in the center the next time she saw me.  We did the side treatment again, and I booked yet another treatment.  I think at this point I had had about 5 treatments, and it was November of 2013.


My December cycle came on a morning I was working at the Ayurvedic Center.  It started slowly in the morning, and I could tell it was going to come full force. I could only hope I would get through my work – I had my massage after with Kayla, actually.  I felt the downward shift, the cloudy head and some dull cramps coming on right as I started the shirodhara treatment I was performing. I had a tylenol in my pocket in case.  Though the cramps came, they were bearable.  They only lasted about an hour, maybe two.  As I finished my treatment, they left, and I got in the car to go to Kayla, really excited that I was not knocked out by my period’s arrival.  She confirmed that my uterus was pretty much centered.  We did the side-lying treatment again, and I booked another appointment, and this time I could come back when my uterus was light again.  And that’s what I am looking forward to tomorrow.

I just finished my period.  It almost snuck up on me this time.  My last 2 cycles have all been at exactly 28 days.  There was some brown blood at the beginning, but otherwise more bright, flowing freely for 5 days.   There are still some things I will continue to work with through herbs and diet – for  a lifetime of balance – but I feel like now I am seeing my period for real, not masked behind this extreme Vata derangement.  I can not tell you how successful I feel, though I was not the one who did all the work!  It has been about 6  months of treatment, and I feel as though we have corrected, or started to correct, a life-long imbalance.  I can not wait to see Kayla tomorrow, and thank her.  She probably has many many stories like this…

And so yes, in May I am going to get trained and certified to perform this work.  I can not wait to share this secret with my clients, friends, all the women I can.  I am truly starting to understand all that hippie talk about the uterus being the seat of our creativity, our shakti, our power…I feel more creative than ever, more powerful, and more connected to my rhythms.  The next practice is to switch my cycle to the new moon – uttar basti here we come!

I know there are so many women out there with similar stories or pain, so in this post I simply share the details of my healing journey through this technique in hope it can help or inspire them.  Feel free to email me with questions at adena [at]

Learn more about this therapy could help you by scheduling a free consultation with me.

Love, Adena