Work with Me

“After searching for over a year for an ayurvedic women’s health practitioner and feeling defeated, I finally was introduced to Adena. My goal was to get off hormonal birth control and learn a natural method that fit with my lifestyle and also to navigate my womanhood with confidence. I have to say that my expectations were far exceeded. Adena leads and teaches at whatever pace suits you best. With her guidance, I reawakened my zest for life and also the spark of fire that once was within me and within my sacral/root chakras. She is truly a master of subtle body energy. I now have the knowledge to understand how easy it is to be in tune with my own body and actually just enjoy being a woman. Adena is amazing at what she does and I highly recommend her to any woman looking to reconnect with one’s self and regain one’s own power.” 


1 on 1 Support

Menstrual Cycle Healing and Fertility Support

We will work within the lens of Ayurveda and Maya medicine to balance your cycles. This may be for women seeking to heal from painful periods, irregular or missing cycles, heavy bleeding, or to prepare for their fertility and pregnancy journey. This work may involve diet and lifestyle changes, herbs, learning self care tools like yoni steaming, castor oil packs, uttar vasti, etc and cycle charting support as needed. All packages include consultations to be used over an 8 week period, initial consultation is about 90 minutes, follow-ups 45.

This is a 2 consultation package through Zoom. Book below and I will contact you to schedule.

Book here

Pregnancy/Prenatal Consultations

Ayurveda has a unique view of pregnancy that may be supportive for pregnancy complaints, and feel super nourishing to mamas-to-be. We can talk about whatever you might need, commonly it’s herbs and kitchen medicine or dietary shifts for deeper nourishment, to balance indigestion or constipation, to prepare for birth, or even postpartum (see below.)

This is a 2 consultation package through Zoom. Book below and I will contact you to schedule.

Book here

Postpartum Planning Support

If you are pregnant and looking to plan for a nourishing and rejuvenative post-partum window, let’s make you a plan! Some women are able to find a postpartum doula in their area, others not so much. We can talk about meal planning and herbal support that is traditional to Ayurveda, as well as how to set yourself up for good self care immediately postpartum. I have gone through two pregnancies and births, so then postpartum times, and work with very practical tools and how-to’s for this intensive life experience.

This is a 2 zoom consultation package – both can be used before birth, or oftentimes we chat before your birth and then again after birth for a little postpartum support, real time.

Includes a pre-recorded class on preparation for Postpartum with Ayurveda/The Sacred Window

Book here

1 on 1 Fertility Awareness Coaching

If you are looking to go off of birth control and learning about your natural fertility signs, or if you have already gone off of birth control and want to feel empowered in your body and choices, let’s go deep with Fertility Awareness. Working within the lens of the book “Taking charge of your Fertility,’ we will talk about how and why to chart your basal body temp and what it means, your cervical fluid, your cervical positioning to learn about you fertile window and how to prevent pregnancy or optimize conception. This is often part of the work with menstrual cycle healing, but if this is your main focus, we will go straight to it and skip the more in-depth time with Ayurveda intake and consulting.

This is for 2 Zoom consultations

Book here

“When I began working with Adena, I suffered from a multitude of hormone related issues that had really begun to affect my life negatively: migraines, scanty moon cycles, mood swings, poor digestion and miscarriage (to name a few). After working with several allopathic doctors over the span of 15 months, I had nearly lost all hope for regaining health…until I found Adena. Under her care and guidance, I am not only free of ALL the imbalances that had plagued me but I am healthier and happier than ever. Adena went above and beyond to check in on me, even outside of our scheduled appointments, and truly celebrated each and every bit of progress I was beginning to make. She holds a wealth of wisdom and Goddess energy, an absolute inspiration and I can’t thank her enough. She is a “must know” name in the world of Ayurveda and I look forward to her continued guidance and work.”

Melissa L., Wellfleet, MA

“After searching for over a year for an ayurvedic women’s health practitioner and feeling defeated, I finally was introduced to Adena. My goal was to get off hormonal birth control and learn a natural method that fit with my lifestyle and also to navigate my womanhood with confidence. I have to say that my expectations were far exceeded. Adena leads and teaches at whatever pace suits you best. With her guidance, I reawakened my zest for life and also the spark of fire that once was within me and within my sacral/root chakras. She is truly a master of subtle body energy. I now have the knowledge to understand how easy it is to be in tune with my own body and actually just enjoy being a woman. Adena is amazing at what she does and I highly recommend her to any woman looking to reconnect with one’s self and regain one’s own power.”


I am…more focused on the positive and ideal scenario during and after birth. I am definitely enjoying my pregnancy more and am in a good state of mind….I am more at ease in my pregnancy both mentally and physically. My digestion has improved dramatically, and I am quick to notice if I am having any fearful thoughts and turn to my positive affirmations to turn them off.

Marissa B.

Honestly, this experience has taught me a lot about my relationship with my womb space. She’s not just a physical point in space. She’s the source of some loving energy I can use to nurture myself. I’m always on the go and trying to help someone else or take care of different matters, but I forget I need time and care too…the most important thing I’ve learned is to listen, respect and act according to what does good to me at the moment…For every castor oil pack and basti I set my intention to release and let go of any past memory or emotion I was still holding in and forgive myself for all judgement and resentment I felt every time I thought I was wrong or didn’t trust my “gut feelings”. Turning both treatments into actual rituals helped me feel more connected and present to myself and womb space, and I think this contributed to the general feeling of softness in my body and mind.”I wanted to tell you that last month I had a 3-day yoni steam like you told me, as a ritual, and it’s been amazing. I decided to have them right after my period and it was very relieving, soothing and helped me close some chapters and open others, but especially it helped feel ME differently.


I have to come to believe in recent years, that my commitment to not becoming a mother, disconnected me from the health of my uterus and womb, and that’s why it isn’t that healthy!…And part of that is a lack of spiritual relationship to that part of my body because I felt like I ‘didn’t need it’ and it could take care of itself.  It would be less obvious if I was disconnected from my whole body, but I am someone who has consistently cared for my heart, my large muscle groups, my mental health, my skin, general illness and disease prevention.  And my uterus has been left out of that until now.


Maya Abdominal Therapy

This hands-on work can support menstrual and uterine health, conception, prolapse, digestive imbalances and more. In person at The Ayurvedic Center in Williston Vermont – contact to book:

(802) 872-8898