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Conscious Conception and Ayurveda

Did I tell you I am writing a book?  I am about 55 pages in. I have been dreaming of doing this for as long as I can remember…and I guess I couldn’t force it. I just had to wait until it was all in my head, and ready to flow out on the page.  And that time is now.  (Working title is Essential Ayurveda for Women.)

I have been writing the chapter on conscious conception and Ayurveda.  Right away I am really sensitive to imply that we really have any control over conception (anything, really), though in the texts of Ayurveda, there are certain protocols one can follow to ensure one has done their best to invite in a child when it’s time.

Part of awareness of conception, is also the other side, awareness of fertility, and preventing conception when it’s not desired or ideal. So right away, this becomes a big and important topic for most women.

This is on my mind because personally, I am in a time in my life where I am preparing, once again, for our own conscious conception (not too soon, mom! 😉 ) We have also just passed the Druid holiday of Imbolc (immolk), which celebrates the ‘quickening’ within the Earth, the promise of Spring to come.  Animals like fox and coyotes will have pups soon, and even though we have had a fresh layer of snow, the light is changing, most definitely returning to longer days, and warmer rays.

We all have natural cycles of fertility.  We are not endlessly and always fertile.  This is true throughout the month, but also may be true throughout the year, and waxes and wanes throughout stages of life.  The monthly cycle is usually quite obvious, though many women do not actually know when they are most fertile, and when they are not (not you, I am sure, as you’re here and probably quite knowledgeable about your body and rhythms.)

I also notice patterns in lots of mothers – like their children are born around the same time of the year.  Perhaps in this age of perpetual warmth and light (unnatural heating methods and electric lighting) we still have our own cycles of fertility powering on.

I also subscribe to Jyotish, a form of astrology connected with Ayurveda, and within this, there can be found natural years/times of fertility in a women’s life based on her natal chart.

There are so many larger forces at work.  I find this refreshing.  I find this perspective allows me to let go – knowing that there are many big things, that I can not control (my Pitta nature wants to know, and wants to control.)

Do you see these cycles, too?

If you want to read on about Conscious Conception and Ayurveda, go to the blog post.

Just a plug to the Vermont locals – I am teaching my class, Essential Ayurveda for Women, at the Women’s Room in Burlington on Saturday March 3.  Pre-registration is required. Find more information on the class at the Facebook Event, here.


More on Conscious Conception and Ayurveda:

Conscious conception is the practice and awareness of conceiving rather than just ‘leaving it up to chance.’  Of course, when it comes to creating life, it is in actuality, out of our control –  it truly is up to Spirit, God, or the Goddess, to know when or if we are to be a parent.  It is easy for me to write this, but the experience of suffering through infertility is not something to make light of, and it is not my intention to do so in saying this. I simply want to preface tht preface that all of these practice and the preparation for conception is our intention for being healthy ourselves, and inviting a healthy being into the world, mind body and spirit.

Suggestion and intention are powerful.  And if you experience healing in your body and mind from some of these practices, there is a sort of initiation in your being.  You start to have faith.

We are the living goddess when we bring life into the world.  And one of the most important gifts I have learned from her are humility and surrender to something larger than my own ego.  And the lessons keep coming.

There are plenty of reasons to bring awareness into our daily actions, and especially this one.  For karma, is, by some definition, out of our control, but also something we can only extinguish through action with awareness.

This idea of conscious conception could go two ways – the more practical side of things is that when we are aware of our fertility, we can decide if and when we try to become pregnant.  Knowing this, we can be more mentally, emotionally and physically prepared to become a parent before we become pregnant.  On a more spiritual level, Conscious Conception can involve visualizing the person and soul we are calling in, rituals between partners, prayer, and even using Jyotish (astrology) to learn the best times to conceive for ideal outcomes.

I am coming to believe that part of being human is to create the meaning in the world, the universe.  I’ve heard that “instances don’t have a meaning unless you make one,” and I believe that is part of being human – seeing the patterns, the connections, and by simply holding that awareness, we experience the connection between things.  We create it when we see it. We inspire it. We birth the meanings.

So, whether you are starting the path to pregnancy, or you are looking to prevent pregnancy at time time in your life, learning about your fertility signs will serve you.  Learning about Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation will serve you.

There is a traditional protocol for preparing for pregnancy from Ayurveda.  Learning about anatomy and physiology, especially in regards to our reproductive health, and other specific womb healing practices that are appropriate for you in regards to womb healing are going to be important, alongside the traditional preparatory protocol.
The three stages or preparing for a healthy and conscious pregnancy are:

  • Cleanse
  • Nourish/Rejuvenate
  • Ritual

I lead clients through a personally guided Ayurvedic cleanse, which included kitchari mono-diet, dinacharya and self care practices, and then a post cleanse rejuvenation program with herbs and foods tailored to their needs.

Within my writings/book, I am working on outlining and cleanse, rejuvenation program options, and special foods and herbs that are appropriate.  It is always best to work with a practitioner, to be sure what you are doing is authentic, safe and effective.

Ritual is something private and sacred. It can be something you make up, and make your own meaning within. It is also very powerful to follow rituals that are written about in ancient texts, as many others have repeated them in the past with similar intentions. Making a very strong sanskara.

If you are interested to learn more, do reach out. I am glad to share more of my writing as it develops.