Conscious Conception: An Introduction to Ayurveda and Fertility


An introduction to the Ayurvedic protocol for preparing to become pregnant

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Fertility is more than just getting pregnant. If you’re on the conscious journey to conception, tools from Ayurveda can help you prepare both mentally and physically for the monumental changes ahead.  Preparing your body and mind and family space ahead of physical conception may help you and your future child be stronger, healthier, and better adjusted to the experiences you will have.

Ayurveda shares with us specific tools to help us support the health of our reproductive organs, and outlines a path to conception using tools like diet, lifestyle and self care well-ahead of any ‘trying.’

We are the living goddess when we bring life into the world.  And one of the most important gifts I have learned from her are humility and surrender to something larger than my own ego.  And the lessons keep coming.

There are plenty of reasons to bring awareness into our daily actions, and especially this one.  For karma, is, by some definition, out of our control, but also something we can only extinguish through action with awareness.

This idea of conscious conception could go two ways – the more practical side of things is that when we are aware of our fertility, we can decide if and when we try to become pregnant.  Knowing this, we can be more mentally, emotionally and physically prepared to become a parent before we become pregnant. On a more spiritual level, Conscious Conception can involve visualizing the person and soul we are calling in, rituals between partners, prayer, and even using Jyotish (astrology) to learn the best times to conceive for ideal outcomes.

I am coming to believe that part of being human is to create the meanings in of the world, the universe.  I’ve heard that “instances don’t have a meaning unless you make one,” and I believe that is part of being human – seeing the patterns, the connections, and by simply holding that awareness, we experience the connection between things.  We create it when we see it. We inspire it. We birth the meanings.

So, whether you are starting the path to pregnancy, or you are looking to prevent pregnancy at time time in your life, by learning about your fertility signs will serve you.

There is a traditional protocol for preparing for pregnancy from Ayurveda.

The three stages or preparing for a healthy and conscious pregnancy are:

  • Cleanse
  • Nourish/Rejuvenate
  • Ritual

Instead of just ‘winging it,’ why not take the best care of yourself you can?  In this introductory class you will learn about:

What Ayurveda says about conscious conception

Why our digestion is so important to fertility

The 7 dhatus (tissues) of Ayurvedic anatomy

An introduction to options and modalities for healing painful periods and other reproductive challenges

3- and 6-month protocols for preparing for conception

How to try to conceive a certain sex for your baby

I have used all of the tools and information I will share in this class on my own journey into and through 2 conscious conceptions, pregnancies and birth – and I have learned a lot along the way. I share from my teachers, as well as my own experiences. If this style of learning is for you, join us for class.

Want more Ayurveda for Women’s Health?  Pre-registration is open for the 5 -week course Womb Healing.