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Ayurvedic Self Care: A Women’s ‘Night In’

Friday December 13 5:30-7:30, $25
The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont
34 Oak Hill Road
Williston, Vermont 05495

Join Adena at The Ayurvedic Center for discussion, meditation and an evening to de-stress and give to yourself.  Learn about the ancient Ayurvedic rituals of self-care, called dinacharya, while sharing tea and a healthy sweet snack (go home with the recipe, too), and be led through relaxing meditation and a self-massage instruction.

It will be a women’s only night, in this beautiful and sacred space in Williston.  Invite your mother, grandmother, sisters and daughters!  Bring a towel and a mug for tea., a notebook if you’d like. Oil and snacks provided. Wear comfortable clothes, that you do not mind getting a little oil on. We will be doing simple, sitting or lying down poses

Register ahead of time through The Ayurvedic Center – Class is based on participation:
(802) 872-8898 or



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How to Make Kitchari for Cleansing and Immunity

Monday December 9, 530-7 p.m. $25

The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont
34 Oak Hill Road
Williston, Vermont 05495

This simple dish made from mung beans and rice is an ancient and healing combination.  Eaten at times when the immune system is compromised or for special seasonal cleansing purposes, kitchari is a holy food.  You can think of kitchari as the Ayurvedic (and vegetarian!) equivalent to chicken noodle soup.  Nourishing for mind, body and soul, kitchari kicks up the metabolism and immune system.

If you’re looking for a simple and wholesome meal to prepare for yourself and your family, or interested in learning why and how Ayurveda uses food for healing, learning how to make kitchari will empower you.  Come and share a meal made with local vegetables and organic ingredients, and learn to make this dish hands-on

Register ahead of time through The Ayurvedic Center – Class is based on participation:
(802) 872-8898 or



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Reap what you Sow: A Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop for Late Fall

Reap what you Sow: A Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop for Late Fall at IndyYoga in Duxbury, Vermont

Saturday Nov 2, 9:30 – Noon

Join Adena for her second Ayurvedic workshop at IndyYoga.  Start the morning with a nourishing yoga practiced tailored for late Autumn and winter.   Stay for a discussion on how to stay healthy this season, including self-massage practice!  We’ll discuss how you can best reap the harvests of summer, and enjoy internal awareness for a restorative winter.  Learn more about Dinacharya, or daily routine, that can help you maintain your health and sanity through the long winter ahead.

Individual Ayurvedic Consultations are available at IndyYoga by appointment after the workshop. Great for those interested in learning more about a guided cleanse.  Book ahead with Adena at

Please bring a small hand towel to class, as well as paper and pen if you would like to take notes.

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September 2013 Yoga Series

I will be offering a 4-week series of gentle yoga beginning again next week.  There are 15 spots available in this series.  Drop-ins will be welcome if there is space available after preregistration.  We took the month of August off, but as school starts again, and we begin the transition into cooler weather, I look forward to seeing you each again on the mat!

Here is the information about the class:

Wednesdays, Sept 4, 11, 18, 25

6:45 – 7:45 p.m.

$40 for 4 classes, or $12 drop in

Contact me to register

This hatha yoga class is open to experienced practitioners as well as total beginners.   This class focuses on simple postures and stretching in connection with breath and breath retention.  Calm the mind, open and relax stagnation in the body, and improve circulation. Come back to your practice, and take this one hour a week all to yourself.  If you have been in my past classes, it will be a very similar series.  I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, just contact me.

I am also happy to announce that I will begin offering Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Consultations and Massage out of Dr. Farrell’s office in a couple of weeks.  Autumn is a great time for cleansing and rejuvenation, and I offer personal cleanse consultations and guidance as well.