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Beware of Transformation

At the end of my seasonal week-long kitchari cleanse, and as is usual for me near the end of a cleanse, I felt a tangible shift in a positive direction.  I did embark on this cleanse earlier in the year than I usually do – late February – for a couple of reasons.  One is that my Spring gets very busy leading others through seasonal cleansing so it would get harder to take more time for myself, and the second is that I had been having some skin issues I’d never had before.  I needed to step back, take care of agni, get my dinacharya back in line, as well as directly asses this imbalance. (And I saw amazing results, by the way, which I will share with you soon.)

One night towards the end of my most recent cleanse, after teaching a yoga class, I experienced a moment of clarity.  It was a rare moment where I was catching transformation in the works.  Simply sitting and watching my students in savasana, which I have done hundreds of times before, I could sense my life was changing.  In that same instant, or immediately afterward, I felt something like fear, something like the expectation of grieving, as though in this transition I was losing something too.

What might I be losing? 

Something felt so right, yet something else inside yells “No!” at the same time, and I simply sit watching over my students, and wait.  Is it the ego feeling that it could be losing some of its influence, that is still shouting no to change?

Continue reading Beware of Transformation

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Are you coping or healing?

“Our bodies simply can not cope and heal at the same time.  It’s fight/flight or rest/digest – not both at the same time.” – Pamela Miles

I learned this concept of coping versus healing from my Reiki teacher, Jennifer Kerns, and it immediately clicked with me.  In the past I had been reserved in using the word healing in relation to my work with ayurveda because I felt it implied something magical as opposed to practical.  And though, there is nothing wrong with magic, the word seems to imply that something is happening separate of one’s self, as opposed to something one can be actively engaged in.  And in Ayurveda, one is ideally, cultivating awareness within body, mind and beyond.

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Sri Dhanvantari

Continue reading Are you coping or healing?

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A simple Spring day in my kitchen.  I’m always talking about kitchari – learn what it is, why I eat it, and why I love it in this cooking class video.


To get the recipes, leave your email for my Healing Diet course, which will be starting September 2014.  There are 15 spots – when you add your email to this list to be the first to receive an application.

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What I learned from my funky tongue

At school for Ayurveda, my funky looking tongue was the source of a lot of questions.

I had diagnosed myself with something known as Geographic Tongue, and now realize that when you look through an Ayurvedic lens, there is no such thing.

The first time I remember noticing my tongue, really, was about a few years before I went to study Ayurveda. I had never really looked at tongues, or known what they were supposed to look like, but I noticed mine was very strange.  Size and shape seemed normal, but the surface was very patchy, and those circles and shapes changed from day to day.  I looked that up online, and found this term called ‘Geographic Tongue.’  I wish I had a picture of my tongue, but here’s a photo from Google that looks very similar  (I am making it really small, because I get that it’s a little icky…):

Does your tongue look like this?
Does your tongue look like this?

(Need a break to go look in the mirror?)

Continue reading What I learned from my funky tongue