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Kitchari Never Ceases to Amaze me

Want to feel lighter in your body and mind? Do a little Spring Cleaning?

Join us for the Spring Cleanse – we begin on Saturday.

The power of kitchari never ceases to amaze me.

Have you ever made it? For many, I find that it’s a love or hate relationship. I feel blessed that I am usually on the love end.

I will be the first to admit that eating a mono-diet, eating kitchari only, for more than a couple of days is super challenging.

I have shared the story of my first Ayurvedic Cleanse (feel free to re-read it, here) and how it was super challenging and the first time I ‘gave up.’ But how that little bit of discipline, then returned to, again and again, helped my will power grow, the understanding of my mind deepen, and the relationship with my true sense of hunger to clarify.

Not to say anything of the toxins I felt lifted from my tissues, the changes I saw in my digestion, and in my seasonal immunity. And since I put in the days, hours, of cooking kitchari for myself, I have that staple recipe to return to, ANYTIME I NEED IT.

A meal of kitchari never ceases to amaze me.

When I am under the weather, I can make a pot, and know I am eating something balancing for my doshas, and that won’t bog agni down.

When a friend or family member is…ditto.

When I’m feeling heavy, or gross, and not sure what to do or eat. Kitchari. When I am feeling bloated or constipated…kitchari usually does the trick. And by the next day, a comfortable bowel movement that moves it all out…ahem.

But really.

And that’s the crux of healing in Ayurveda, keeping the pipes clean. And a regular, seasonal cleaning keeps things running smoother all year.

You know it – you’re probably dreaming of some Spring Cleaning right now. How good does it feel to wash your windows? To scrub out the oven? To dust the ceilings?

Give your physiology a little dusting, too.

We start on Saturday, but registration closes tomorrow.

I want you to have enough time to prepare. So, join us now, and commit to a little bodily de-cluttering. Members will receive full preparation instructions on Wednesday, by email, and daily guidance by email and through the private online Facebook forum. Any other questions (like, what is kitchari? Can I do hits?), simply write adena[at]

Kitchari! Join us. Click Above to Register.


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Do more than ‘Remain Neutral’ | Why I Do a Seasonal Cleanse

Cleansing is important to me – it has been the most important catalyst for deepening my understanding of Ayurveda, in my own body.  Those of you who are on my email list have all received a copy of my one day Ayurvedic cleanse guide.  Did you use it? What did you think of it?

Over the past 4 years of twice-yearly doing an Ayurvedic cleanse,  each one has been different. Each time I approach it, and plan it, I feel different.  Mostly, my cleanses were and are more a time of intention, pulling back, turning in and tuning in.  Sometimes I like what I see, other times it’s super challenging and feels like during that season I took two steps backward, one step forward.  The cleanse was that step forward and I am grateful that I am creating that habit for myself…my body starts to know when the season shift is coming…and tells my mind it’s time to pick a start date.

Ayurvedic cleansing is usually centered around eating kitchari.  I’m sure amny of you are familiar with this – might already have opinions of loving it or so-not-loving it.  For those of you who don’t – there is a recipe in my 1 day cleanse guide, that I mentioned above. Two actually.

Why do it?

The goals of an Ayurvedic cleanse are to improve digestion, remove or burn up toxins, and improve our willpower.  Strengthening your will power might take a little force, or the yogic term we use is tapas, a purification through effort.  An important aspect, which juxtaposes this effort, is also taking more time to nourish yourself, especially through living your more ideal routine, getting enough sleep, and learning self massage.

By making a little effort, it becomes easier the next time.  In my experience, stretching your will power is best done gently – just like any stretch.  Regular stretching over time is going to be more beneficial than say, forcing yourself into a split, and tearing your hamstrings.  Making it difficult or impossible to even walk 🙂 With this concentrated effort, over a week, ad done twice per year, stretching your will power becomes easier – making it just EASIER to make better decisions around food, drinking, or expending your energy is ways you do not want to.

Wouldn’t it be great if things – anything – was just plain easier in this life?

“Slowly and slowly”

Digestion is the crucial piece to all healing in Ayurvedic medicine – as well as preventative medicine.  Fasting is an interesting and important practice which can improve digestion – and there are certainly helpful and not so helpful ways to do it.  A juice cleanse might serve some constitutions, at certain times of the year. Skipping breakfast in the Spring time may serve someone with a heavier Kapha constitution.  Eating a mono-diet of kitchari is one way to very safely introduce a fast into your life.

According to the Ayurvedic understanding, our digestion is known as our agni.  This word relates to our metabolic fire. Our ability to assmilate and absorb. There are very specific guidelines in Ayurvedic medicine for taking care of our agni.  It’s not really an ‘anything goes’ approach, though that’s how most of us approach our diets and eating.

An Ayurvedic Cleanse is an opportunity to learn about and experience some of those food rules – even if it’s just for the week – it’s beneficial to help clear up and clean up soe of the little messes we create throughout the rest of the year.

And sometimes those habits just happen to stick around, because they feel good, and just MAKE SENSE.  Oh, how I love this stuff.

Do more than Remain Neutral

One of my mentors, Dr. Claudia Welch, says that in her experience, it takes at least 2 hours of self care per day to just remain neutral.  And by remaining neutral, she means staying level and sane and maintaining our current state of health in our world as it is today.  Amongst all the environmental stresses, our work, family responsibilities, social pressures.  2 hours to keep your head above water.  And how many of us are really doing this?

Self care can include the Ayurvedic techniques, and yoga, and baths, and cooking for yourself, and taking walks.  Whatever works for you.

Setting aside time for a seasonal cleanse is how I have taken leaps forward in my health and well-being – beyond just the remaining neutral.  It’s a concentrated dose of me time.

Do your worst- and commit to a little me time this Spring. It’s the best time of the year to cleanse.

If you’re like me and have been feeling sluggish, sleeping in, have a little sinus congestion, nausea, or a few extra pounds from winter, get on board with us for April. Nature’s lightening up, and it just makes sense that we follow suit.

The next group cleanse is: October 12-18, 2015

EARLY BIRD PRICE: $75 – Goes up to $95 October 6.

Commit early and save



PS: If you’ve cleansed before, and are ready to go deeper, talk with me about a guided home panchakarma.  This traditional Ayurvedic cleansing practice follows a very similar protocol as the group cleanse, but it requires one on one guidance because we utilize purgation techniques which are not for everyone.  Apply here.


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RECORDING | Ayurveda and the Menstrual Cycle, and for Natural Fertility

In case you missed it…

Listen to the free call
on Ayurveda for Fertility and Conception

Email me with your questions on this topic. I love to hear from you, and believe in this important conversation.

PS: If you’re ready for an empowering and accessible way to use the tools of Ayurveda and Maya medicine on your path to becoming healthy for conception, apply for my one of a kind program that starts in April.
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Free Training in Women’s Reproductive Health

It is one of the biggest decisions of your life.

Start early.

I was emailing back and forth with my astrologer, Juliana Swanson, this week, about karma and parenthood.  I’d hope perhaps that she could shed some light on more subtle reasons why some women conceive very easily, and others not at all (when trying, of course.)  

Of course there are many possible reasons – like quantum physics.  Though it ultimately comes down to it is completely out of our control, and that the whole process, no matter the result, is an act of surrender.

Isn’t that just the lesson in everything? Perhaps THAT is the meaning of life. To surrender to the flow.  And if that word doesn’t feel good to you – how about ride the wave?

I feel very comfortable with the analogy of surfing.  Surfers are cool and peaceful, and super strong.  We are spiritual – connected to that larger source, even more powerful than the wave.

Are you still with me?  (Sorry, I got caught up in visualizing Summer, and beaches…)

It is a balance of to KNOW and to FEEL.  Both are empowering, and both are important to our satisfaction, ultimately. No matter the result.

If you’re thinking of having children one day, or have ben trying for a while, come hear about the Ayurvedic perspective on fertility, and getting healthy for conception.

It will empower your knowing side, which is often necessary as a part of the ultimate surrender.

There are ways to heal painful and irregular cycles. There are ways to best cleanse and nourish your body to hold a baby. There are ways to improve the quality of yours and your partners reproductive tissues.  There are ways to heal. Always.

Join me on Saturday for a free training in Ayurveda for a healthy conception – whether it’s immediate, or years away, it’s not too early to start to find balance.
This Saturday, March 14 at 10 a.m. ET
Live Q&A Follows – Bring your questions, or email them to me now.