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Butter Woes

I try to buy my food from local farmers or artisans. I’m so lucky to be living in Vermont – I actually have the choice.  Food prices are so high anyway, that buying organic and local is usually not too much more costly.

I have been stuck in the house for two days with a cold (eating in front of the computer and stressing out about finding a new job = bad ayurveda student) and this morning decided to bake.  Another reason for baking, besides craving cupcakes yesterday (not making cupcakes), is that I will be going to Jericho Settler’s Farm for their Winter CSA welcome potluck. YES, I decided to go for it! Jamie and I are splitting a large share with another couple. $480 for 4.5 months of veggies, split between 4 people = definitely doable.

Mmm, local burgers and live music…

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Growing Season Ends – How to Deal with Garden Withdrawal

I am planning to take this coming weekend (Sun-Willing) to lay the garden to rest, and plant some garlic to over-winter.

I felt a tinge of panic when I received this questionnaire in my inbox. Panic at the cold, hard truth that it will be at least 6 months before I begin to start seeds for next years garden. How have I survived every other winter of my life? Honestly, how do we do it? Simply hold on, distracting myself with holidays for as long as I can, then hopes for sun?

It’s not that I need to manipulate the dirt, it’s just so difficult to know that the earth is barren.  There is no possibility for creativity and growth until the sun decides to thaw her out. Here are some ideas to hold on to…

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Mama Tulsi

My friend Andrew Snavely, owner of Dobra Tea in downtown Burlington, is leaving us to open another branch of the tea shop in his hometown of Asheville, NC.  For me, Dobra has always been inked into my Burlington experience – throughout college I’d come on rainy or wintry days to take off my shoes and feel a bit bohemian, inviting the steam facial full of exotic smells to remove all worries of finals or boyfriends.

I am a big lover of Pu-er – fermented teas from the Yunnan province of China that taste best served in unglazed ceramic cups – perhaps made from Yixing clay, another region in China.  My friends ask what it’s like when I say it’s my favorite, and all I can tell them is that it tastes like dirt…yeah, and I love it.  The tea menu at Dobra caught my attention when it describes Puer-la as ‘like the cool earth of a temple floor.’  (Not a direct quote, but you get the idea.) MMM, my kind of flavor.  Puer comes with a subtle kick though, it actually has a lot of caffeine which can creep up on you unawares.

But I’m really here to talk up mama tulsi, pictured above.

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Fall Cleanse – Kitchari

You know it’s bad when there is not even pasta and sauce left in the cupboard.  And since I have about .13 cents left in my bank account, a trip to City Market is not in the stars.

One of my assignments from Kripalu is to do a three day cleanse. It’s just suggested, though I think most of us will jump on the opportunity. With the help of my spice basket (a blessing from Jamie’s mom) and the most inexpensive ingredients on the planet (rice and mung beans), I can successfully pull Kitchari out of my ass.

This is not a local recipe, sadly, though I did throw in a few carrots from my garden.

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