Whole Foods Recipes for Day 1

To prepare for day one, you may like to open the attached recipes, and pick up some of those ingredients.  These are simply suggestions.  You’ll want to enjoy a simple, whole foods diet, and avoid snacking today.  A hot cereal like oats or another whole grain blend is excellent for breakfast, and you may enjoy it with some spices like ginger, cinnamon, cardamom etc.  If you need more protein, a bit of almond butter is nice on top, and a dab of ghee or honey.

Stick to three meals, obeying the Ayurvedic Dinacharya principles to make lunch your largest meal, and dinner light, like a soup.  Day 2 begins your kitchari mono diet, so you may soak your mung beans in water overnight, if using whole beans.

Whole Food Recipes Options for Day 1:

Masala Oatmeal

Warm Brown Rice Maki Rolls

Sweet Potato and LeekS oup