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Farm Fresh Foods – Second and Third CSA Adventure

It’s that time – time to sign up for a Spring CSA.  Community Supported Agriculture. I’m imagining the fresh, sweet lettuces, soft buttery leaves topped with chopped, spicy Spring radishes….mmmm…

There are not too many farms that do a Spring share only – many start early for summer.  It’s tough to get a following year round, you’ve really got to sell those bitter greens!  I’m going for my second CSA (first one was through the winter!) with Jericho Settler’s Farm.  They have two options, veggies only, or a good deal on the Settlervore’s share which includes eggs, bread, local cheeses and such.

Jericho Settler’s Farm

Bread and Roses Farm (Westford)

Take a look for yourself – NOFA has a list of all the CSA’s in Vermont.

Jamie and I have used some of our hard earned savings from last year to support this farm. It was a tough decision, but instead of perhaps putting us over the edge, and into even more debt potentially, we decided to shell out the 450 all at once. It feels really good.  We’re putting some hard earned money into something we really believe in.  Good, real food that makes us literally more part of the land we live on.

My thirs CSA adventure will also start in March, when I officially get raw milk delivered from Family Cow Farmstand in Hinesburg every week.  I’ve been making a lot more warm milk concoctions in the evenings (addicting) and I am looking forward to the creamy, nourishing milk!

1 thought on “Farm Fresh Foods – Second and Third CSA Adventure

  1. That has been my thinking all my life,,,,, GOOD Veggies Thats why your Grandfather is 85 going on 100..Take a Quater cup of that milk and quartercup.. of walnuts before bed and sleep like a baby””put them in blender. first Gram

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